giovedì 6 agosto 2009

A painting

So as this summer i'm going to ecuador and am now here i was asked by my mother to do a painting of my grandparents for his 80th bday now im ashamed to say that my flight left on a monday and i left my house at 2pm and i ddnt start painting the painting until about 1am that same morning so i have very bipolar feelings about the painting. As there was an extreme lack of time left, i decided that an extremely realist detailed painting was out of the questionso i went for somethign alot simpler. I dont particularly like the painting although i did enjoy painting my grandfathers shirt as it was just a simple yellow with very diluted black paint which gave and 'inky' style which i really liked using. As said im not that happy overall with the painting but thought it important to share what im doing with you guys.

giovedì 16 luglio 2009


Well its summer now... and i need to show mr morgan some sort of work so: i've been working in an architectural firm and so i've learned alot about what is done and have been learning the basics of program autocad which is where all blueprints i've recreated to learn basics:

these are the section of an appartment block:

Although mebe not extremely amazing its the foundations of building and this significance of how all building start from simple 2-d drawings is pretty staggering.

Anyway as i laso had some time in the office to play aorund with some other programs and look around as i sat in the office i thought of some design for structures which i wasent sure how to come about and bring to 'life' so i adopted for SKETCH-UP a simple and intuitive program which not only fun can be quite complex help make these ideas become created in a visul style.

The first thing i made was this bridge i though of some of the asian bridges used in lords houses and then decided to try and make it a little more 'edgy'; here is it from sketch up in one of its more sketchy styles

Followed by a simply coloured render

As i got the hang of it i decided to start design for an idea i had in my head for a fountain/bench, this was meant to be something where as you sat on the bench, underneath you you had a founting which had an 'infinity pool' effect. This mean that the water over-flowed undeneath you and then flows out underneath your feet. Now as much as i like what came out, and it holds the basic principles of what i wanted the final output to look like it doest follow the ideal mental design to detail. this is because the base (in my mind) was mean to be an octagon and the benched very diffenret. As it was simpler to have the square base i decided to follow through with that and im very pleased with the outcome.

Here are the sketchy followd by osme nice coloured pictures of the final outcome, i like the way i personally feel that this oculd fit in alot of places and not stick out like sore thumb.

And another personal favorite i was asked to look for reference images for idea on design for a smlal kiosk that was being built. So once done from what i ofund i decided to try making my own littl emodel in sketch up and seeing what came out. Although complete out of proportion of scale i like the overall design of the building . check it out

Also when you open sketch up theres always a sketch of a playground so i decided to give it a go and althuogh not as extensive as the one in sketchup i like it alot and add a bit a day

One of my summer ideas was mabe to create small somple models of these structures and see what comes out as it related to my theme as well as contributes to a possible project which is always good to have.
As for painting i would like to do something with the architects in direct relation to there tools, so although jsut a simple idea i would like to do something with the poeple i work with mebe along the lines of jona's shadow project where i have the silouhettes with alot the of ideas coming from the autocad lines which i need to explore would be the best way to make it all fit together. This all sounds a bit vague but i am working on it.

domenica 15 marzo 2009

Aparentely Everyone has a blog

So as i surfed the internet the other day i came across an article that talked about the best video game covers graphically and there effect and the best one was the cover of gta 4

anyway i decided to look into0 the artist who did this and it turned out to be a man called Ian McQue and i looked a bit ore ito his stuff and he has some amazing artwork and to my surprise it was all in a blog just like us any check it out cause its very itneresting to see :

also as i looked for some more blogs i came acrozss this other artist who does these amazing portraits through abode illustrator there amazing and very well done so please check them out :

sabato 7 marzo 2009


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

...Robert Frost

check this out:

martedì 3 marzo 2009

Aaron Jasinski

Aaron Jasinky

I was browsing deviant art the other day when i came across this artist who caught my attention. He does all these big painting in his very own style. With simplicity yet a a nice detail and especially his calm use of colours caught my eye. And just like the class he has his very own blog so check it out:

and this is his old website with some great work:
( on this one check out painting number 3 its one of my favorite unfortunately though i wasent able to copy that pic)

venerdì 27 febbraio 2009

Darwin : Evolution of a Painter?

Today i took a trip into town to check out the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, particularly their new Darwin exebition. It interesting to see his drawing made as accurately as possible to then be able to use for scientific research. And ofcourse with darwin involved there started to be alot of mentioning of the evolution of animals in the world. How things change an adapt and most of all the survival of the fittest

Now as i stood there watching i started to ponder the evolution of an artist. How is starts by simple curiosity, and is evolved by the research and practice of tecnique. But as darwin states that only the fittest and best survive it seemed to clash with the art world. How many artist are there which are renowned world wide yet people look at them and say:
"My son could do that".
Is the evolution of the better artist defined by a greated ability in tecnique, in realism, in the development of the piece itself, or by the thoughs going through the artist as he paints.

It would seem that everything defies the very fundamental laws that our species followoed to arrive to this point.

Anyway in the end i just ended up with the question:
What does it mean for an artist to evolve?
If you get some good answers tell me cause it will be interesting to see different peoples thoughs

Here are some Links too:

mercoledì 18 febbraio 2009

Kandinsky 2.0: In Fear or Mr. Morgans Judgement

So in fear of the art teachers judgment i decided it was time to up load some stuff to the blog unfortunately i dont have osme pics from the trip to paris which just took place but i sat down on my computer and decided to get some Kandinsky images and play around with them in photoshop so i decided to use "red, yellow, blue" a personal favorite and just mess about. If your curious to more on the artist hereis a links:
Anyway here is what came out messing about: